
Submitted by Anonymous

Cecilia Kass (Elisabeth Moss) escapes from her abusive boyfriend, optics pioneer Adrian Griffin (Oliver Jackson-Cohen), with the help of her sister Emily and childhood friend James Lanier. Cecilia is terrified to go outside, thinking Adrian will find her, but she receives news that Adrian has committed suicide and left her a $5 million fortune on the condition that she proves herself to be mentally competent.

Cecilia is soon terrorized by an invisible force, which she believes to be Adrian still alive and having found a way to become invisible. This causes a strain between her and Emily and James, since Adrian wrote a horrible email to Emily (Harriet Dyer) and struck James’s daughter Sydney, making them believe it was all Cecilia. Her theory is proven correct when she goes to his house and finds a machine and suit he developed to turn people invisible. When she tries to prove it to Emily, the Invisible Man kills her in public and makes it look like Cecilia did it.

Cecilia is locked up in a psych ward and finds out she’s pregnant with Adrian’s child. After managing to expose him and escape, he kills several guards before threatening to go kill Sydney. James gets beaten by the Invisible Man to protect Sydney, but Cecilia comes in the nick of time and sprays him with a fire extinguisher before shooting him dead. She unmasks him to find Adrian’s brother Tom having been wearing the suit, with police finding Adrian alive and seemingly kidnapped by Tom, but Cecilia knows this was his plan all along.

Cecilia goes to Adrian’s house under the guise that she can get him to incriminate himself, with James listening through a wire. She instead uses a suit she stole from him to become invisible and slash his throat, making it look like a suicide for the security camera. Cecilia leaves the house, now free from terror.