I Know this Much is True (HBO)()
Submitted by Anonymous
Thomas Birdsey (Mark Ruffalo) gets released from the mental institution only to accidentally drown in a river several days later.
Ray Birdsey (John Procaccino) survives a massive heart attack. Dominick (Mark Ruffalo) realizing that Ray is the only family he has left helps him on the road to recovery.
Ray then tells Dominick that shortly before her death,Concettina (Melissa Leo) informed Ray about who Thomas and Dominick’s father really was.
The father was Henry Drinkwater whose own father happened to be a mill employee that Concettina father Domenico (Marcello Fonte) had a massive hatred for.
Thomas asks Ralph Drinkwater (Michael Greyeyes) about all this. Ralph says that he always knew that he and his sister and Thomas and Dominick were related. But never said anything.
The final scene implies that Dominick and Dessa (Kathryn Hahn) may get back together.
*What doesn’t end up being revealed (unlike the book) is the sad dark fate of Joy (Imoogen Poots) who would die of HIV/AIDS.