
Submitted by Julio M

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Short pooper:
Both Rebecca (Julianne Moore) and Gail (Joan Cusack) end up giving birth to their babies -a boy and a girl, respectively-, the same night, at the same time. Samuel (Hugh Grant) and Marty (Tom Arnold) also make up and rejoice in it.

Longer version:
After almost getting in bed with another woman he met at a party, Samuel admits to himself that he is still in love with Rebecca, does not want to lose her and is not ready to move on. Even his perennially bachelor friend Sean (Jeff Goldblum) asserts that, if he is really into Rebecca, he must rush towards her. He is shown a sample of Rebecca’s ultrasound at the hospital and the sight of his unborn child triggers a desire in him to smarten up and embrace his responsibility.

He trades his Porsche for a family van, pleads for a reconciliation with Rebecca -which she joyfully agrees to, having seen how he appears to have changed- and, shortly after, they marry. As a celebration of sorts, they decide to go out together for dinner, where Samuel encounters Lili (Mia Cottet), the woman from the party and who happens to be the restaurant’s hostess. She recognizes Samuel and offers to locate them both at a nice table, which gets Rebecca suspicious. While at dinner, Lili hurts herself with a broken wine glass at the exact same time that Rebecca’s water breaks.

Samuel has no choice but to mad-dash it to the hospital with both women on board; when Lili asks about the Porsche, Rebecca angrily grills him on whether he cheated on her with Lili, which he denies and Lili swears by. It escalates into an argument which gets Samuel distracted while he also tries to find the phone number for Rebecca’s gynecologist. Because of this, he runs an elderly couple over (Priscilla Alden and Edward Ivory), hurting the man and having to bring them both on board as well.

They all eventually make it to the hospital and Rebecca is admitted and placed in a delivery room. Two surprises await them both: not only Gail is admitted right across from Rebecca, to deliver her own baby, but also Dr. Kosevich (Robin Williams), the neurotic and bumbling but kind Russian veterinarian-turned-doctor they once saw before, is in charge of the two deliveries. After a lot of madness going on -including both Samuel and Dr. Kosevich fainting at the sight of a huge epidural needle, and Samuel and Marty getting into a fight because Samuel smashes Marty’s camera after he imprudently tries to film a shot of the baby coming through Rebecca’s birth canal-, both Rebecca and Gail have a successful and healthy delivery.

Rebecca gives birth to a boy, which is named Samuel. And Marty is shocked, but then elated and moved to tears, to find out he and Gail have had A FOURTH GIRL, which they name Becky. Both couples share a tender moment at the sight of their respective newborns. Later, as Samuel and Marty contemplate their children through the pane glass of the Delivery Postpartum Room, they apologize to each other for the dumb shenanigans they pulled on each other before, and Samuel thanks Marty for all the support he and Gail gave Rebecca when Samuel was still confused about what he would do with his pending fatherhood. Dr. Kosevich also comes and congratulates both men, and announces the intention to circumcise baby Samuel -to which they rush behind him, horrified-.

The final sequence of the movie shows Samuel, Rebecca and baby Samuel settled in their new life as a family. They come to see about the baby when he starts crying in the middle of the night and, as they attempt to soothe him, Samuel suggests playing a soft song to which they all dance together, having remember, from one of the prenatal classes, “it was good to calm distressed newborns”.

The movie ends with the classic song “Baby, I Love You” in the background, and the credits show pictures of the main cast members when they were babies.

01 hours 43 minutes