Submitted by Evan B
The abandoned police headquarters serves as a portal to Hell. Most of the police squad dies in Hell, but Arda kills Baba and escapes. After escaping however, he is hit and killed by his own police van (depicted from the van’s POV earlier in the film), revealing that the police squad is stuck in a repetitive loop – doomed to continuously descend into Hell.
Long Ending:
A group of police officers in Turkey enjoy drinks at a restaurant. They include veteran officer Apo (Fatih Dokgöz), driver Seyfi (Sabahattin Yakut), hot-headed Yavuz (Muharrem Bayrak), police chief Remzi (Ergun Kuyucu), and new officer Arda (Görkem Kasal). The group is tight-knit and not above abusing their authority – including taking advantage of sex workers and beating up one of the restaurant servers over a perceived slight. As they leave the restaurant, they receive a dispatch call to report to an abandoned police station in the countryside to assist another squad. En route, they accidentally hit a person who suddenly runs into the road and their cruiser careens into a nearby river. The police extricate themselves from the submerged van and make their way to the abandoned police station.
Once inside, they find a single surviving police officer (who’s seemingly gone insane). Seyfi is ordered to bring the remaining officer outside for medical treatment while the others venture into the basement to investigate further. On his way out, Seyfi is attacked and killed when he stumbles upon people engaged in a sadomasochistic orgy (the insane officer simply giggles as they kill him).
Meanwhile, the rest of the squad discovers demonic-looking creatures in the basement that are mutilating various corpses. The officers are captured by the demons and chained to pillars. The demons become ecstatic as their leader, a demon named Baba (Mehmet Cerrahoglu), emerges to confront the officers. Apo and Yavuz are killed and tortured to death, respectively. Baba then thanks Chief Remzi for raising Arda (implying that Arda may be a half-demon) before slitting the Chief’s throat. As he dies, Remzi (who earlier intimated to have knowledge of the occult) cries out that he is dying to allow Arda to live.
Remzi’s sacrifice gives Arda a mystical key that he uses to unshackle his bonds. Arda then attacks and kills Baba. With their leader dead, the other demons allow Arda to leave the abandoned station. He flees through the woods and emerges onto a road where he is struck and killed by his own police van (meaning he was the person his squad struck before careening into the river). Arda is killed as the van falls into the river (suggesting Arda and his fellow officers are stuck in a Hellish time loop and doomed to be tortured and killed forever).
Order of Deaths:
- Seyfi – While trying to leave the abandoned station, he opens a door to find demons/people engaged in a sadomasochistic orgy. When they notice Seyfi, the participants attack and rip him apart.
- Apo – As they flee the demons, one demon hits Apo in the head with a sledgehammer to knock him unconscious. Baba later slits open Apo’s stomach and pulls out his intestines for his follower-demons to eat.
- Yavuz – Baba (attracted to Yavuz’s inner darkness) tries to convert Yavuz to the demonic side. He pokes out Yavuz’s eyes (so that Yavuz can “truly” see them) and then forces Yavuz to have sex with a demon. Yavuz dies due to the torture and stress, and a tarantula crawls out of his corpse’s mouth.
- Chief Remzi – Baba slits his throat and then bathes in Remzi’s blood. When he dies, Remzi’s spirit gives Arda a key that he uses to unlock his chains.
- Baba – Arda stabs him with the key he got from Remzi’s spirit and then bashes Baba’s head in with a stool.
- Arda – He is struck and killed by his own police van after escaping the abandoned police station, having seemingly traveled back in time during the ordeal.