Submitted by Tornado Dragon
As time passes, Max (James Roday Rodriguez) finds out that, the more he continues to date Repli-Kate (Ali Landry), the more tired he is becoming of her purely (and, in some ways, stereotypically) masculine attitude and interests and her constant need for sex. He complains about this to Henry (Desmond Askew) one day, telling him that they maybe should’ve exposed Repli-Kate to at least a few feminine influences because the idea of having a woman act like a man all the time has proven to not be as good as they thought it was going to be. Max also expresses his worry over what would happen if the real Kate (also Ali Landry) – whom he is getting closer and closer to – found out that he had (accidentally) cloned her with the replicator, but he also feels that she has the right to know about it.Through a series of events, Jonas (Eugene Levy) and his loyal lab assistant, Felix (Todd Robert Anderson), find out about Repli-Kate and how she is a perfect human clone, and knowing that the International Genetics Conference is taking place in just a couple of days and he is currently without a perfect clone to present to the conferencegoers (alongside the replicator, which he has taken full credit for inventing even though Max was the one who created it), Jonas decides that Repli-Kate must be found and captured. Then, through another series of events, both Kate and Repli-Kate wind up at Jonas’ house that night for different reasons, and the two of them eventually bump into each other. After Kate realizes that Max has cloned her, Jonas and Felix – who were made aware of Repli-Kate’s presence when she arrived – suddenly appear and sedate both her and Repli-Kate with chloroform. When the Kates regain consciousness hours later, they find themselves strapped down to separate tables in a lab that lies in the same building that the genetics conference is going to be held in, and Jonas and Felix are standing near them and running some tests on them. Once the tests are finished, Jonas officially concludes that Max successfully created a perfect human clone in Repli-Kate, and he tells Felix that he intends to present both her and Kate at the conference tomorrow. Felix replies that he doubts that this is the best way to handle this situation given the fact that the two Kates seem scared, but Jonas tells him to not be so thick-headed; the potential of this research has always been to clone a human being, and now Max has dropped one right into their laps. He subsequently declares that the Kates are no longer women, but founts of information that must be mined for science. He then leaves to go rehearse his speech for his presentation, but before he goes, he orders Felix to stay here and make sure that no one goes in or out of the lab except him.
Later that night, Max goes into Jonas’ office and finds a bunch of notes on his desk that look particularly interesting, but when he reads them, he discovers that Jonas has both Kates and is revising his presentation at the conference tomorrow morning in order to frame him and Henry for deliberately creating a human clone with the replicator, which will result in them being imprisoned. He thus finds Henry and enlightens him to what Jonas has in store for them, and he also tells him that, the moment the Kates are brought out for all to see during the presentation, they are going to become lab rats for the rest of their lives. When Henry points out that they can’t save the Kates right now because they don’t know where they are, Max replies that they know that they will be at the presentation tomorrow, so they will just rescue them before it starts. He then shows Henry that he has a plan to save them when he shows him a bar of soap that contains several of Jonas’ pubic hairs, and Henry realizes that Max intends to use these hairs to create a clone of Jonas. Meanwhile, Kate complains to Repli-Kate about what Max did to them both, but Repli-Kate remarks that Max was ultimately pretty cool to her and she had fun with him. Kate tells her that that doesn’t make what he did any less wrong, and she then tells Repli-Kate that the only reason he created her was to have a relationship with her. However, she starts to re-think her opinions about Max when Repli-Kate asks her why he was so interested in being with her instead.
Max and Henry successfully create a clone of Jonas and dub him “Repli-Jonas”, and after two hours of training him (where they only manage to get him to learn a few phrases and words, chiefly the word “penis” [thanks to Henry]), they manage to locate the laboratory that the Kates are being held in. While Max and Henry hide behind a corner down the hall from the lab, they send out Repli-Jonas, who gets the attention of Felix and the two security guards at the door and orders them to leave. Once they are gone, Repli-Jonas, Max and Henry go into the lab. After Max tells Kate how he feels about her (though he accidentally says it directly to Repli-Kate while she just overhears him), he and Henry start to free her and Repli-Kate, and Max tells Kate that he has a plan to keep her and her clone from spending the rest of their days as research projects by finding a way to sneak them out of the building before Jonas makes his speech. Unfortunately, Repli-Jonas wanders off on them, and after Max finishes freeing Kate, he orders her and Repli-Kate to find the real Jonas and find some way to keep him from going out onto the stage. As this happens, Jonas spots Felix and the two guards walking past the room that he is rehearsing his speech in, so he gets their attention and demands for them to return to the lab.
Shortly after Max and Henry find Repli-Jonas at the conference and usher him off towards the backstage area, Felix and the guards spot the Kates sneaking down a hallway and start chasing after them. The Kates go into the backstage entrance and split up, and Repli-Kate gets the better of one of the security guards and knocks him out with a kick, which causes his body to collide with the replicator and break off one of the hoses on the back of it. The Kates then have a brief run-in with Jonas, and Repli-Kate punches Jonas in the face before she and Kate have to flee from Felix again. Jonas become disoriented from the blow and stumbles out onto the stage as a result, where he is forced to begin his presentation for the conferencegoers already assembled there. Felix manages to capture Kate, but when Max and Henry suddenly appear with Repli-Jonas, he runs off to inform Jonas about this. Max and Henry chase after him and leave Repli-Jonas behind, but Felix doesn’t get very far before Repli-Kate surprises him with a clothesline attack and then pins him down. Max and Henry rush off back to Repli-Jonas, and as Repli-Kate struggles with Felix, the other guard appears and grabs hold of her. All of the noise from the chaos backstage forces Jonas to excuse himself and leave the stage to tend to it, and he finds Felix and the guard struggling with Repli-Kate. After Felix tells him that the Kates escaped, Jonas orders him to find the other Kate and fast because he is in the middle of his presentation. While this goes on, Repli-Jonas – having wandered off again – appears on the other end of the stage just after Jonas leaves it and walks up to the podium and starts saying “penis” over and over again on the microphone. Max and Henry appear on the right side of the stage (but outside of everyone’s view) and lure Repli-Jonas to them with a cookie, and after he goes, Jonas emerges from the left side of the stage to resume his speech, much to the confusion of everyone. After Repli-Jonas is brought backstage again, Kate informs Max and Henry that the university’s president, Chumley (Kurt Fuller), is coming their way (to ask them what is wrong with Jonas), so they force Repli-Jonas to hide under the stage.
Jonas tries to do a test of the replicator for everyone with a hamster, but his lack of understanding on how to use it, coupled with the detached hose creating a malfunction, results in the hamster being turned into a big feral beast that roars and then slashes at him when he opens the door. Jonas closes the door and assures the audience that the replicator does work despite this “small technical problem”, and after Max, Henry, Kate, and Chumley show up to investigate the source of the roar, Jonas points to Kate and informs the assembly that he knows that this machine works because Max cloned a human being. Kate is then seized by both Felix and the guard that Repli-Kate earlier knocked out and brought out onto the stage, while the other guard brings Repli-Kate out on the other end of the stage for all to see. However, the Kates tell the audience that Jonas is lying because they are actually identical twins, and if Max hadn’t rescued them, Jonas would’ve turned them into the world’s biggest fraud. Jonas tells the assembly that he can prove that these women are lying by getting blood samples from them, and Max tries to ask the audience to give him a few minutes to explain everything, but he gets ignored. Chumley takes the podium and tries to assure everyone that there isn’t a single human clone at this university, but just after he says this, Repli-Jonas pops up from a trap door next to the podium. Chumley orders Max to tell him who made this clone of Jonas, and Max confesses that he did that. However, both the Kates and Henry then try to either take responsibility for Repli-Jonas’ creation or deflect blame from themselves and Max for it, and the subsequent arguing between all parties present causes Chumley to lose his patience and order everyone to shut up. He then addresses Felix, telling him that he has been watching him and that he knows that he is even more loyal to Jonas than Max is, so he wants to hear the truth from him. Jonas tells Felix to tell everyone the truth, but when he then describes Felix as an ass-kisser, Felix gets upset about it (and, in general, reaches his limit with Jonas and his mistreatment of him) and turns against him, telling everyone that Max is a liar and that the Kates are indeed identical twins, and he adds that Jonas had planned on making human clones with the replicator, hence why Repli-Jonas is here. Chumley orders the guards to let go of the Kates and seize Jonas, but Jonas – desperate and determined to prove that the Kates are lying – gets free of their grip and tries to go after Kate with a needle to get a sample of her blood. However, Max shields Kate from the needle by taking it in his arm, and then he punches Jonas in the face before the guards seize him again and haul him off.
The next day, Jonas makes the newspaper for being caught in a human cloning scheme and his name is cast into disgrace, and both he and Repli-Jonas are sent to a scientific facility for study. Sometime later, we see that Max has become a professor at the university, as well as the director of the cloning project. He has also been given his full and due credit as the inventor of the replicator, and he has set about using it to benefit the world just like he always wanted to do. He and Kate have become a couple, and Henry has gone steady with Repli-Kate, but he has taken on the stereotypical female role in their relationship. We also see that Felix has now become Max’s assistant. One day, while Kate is sharing a passionate kiss with Max in his office over him making the cover of Modern Science Magazine (the magazine she works for), Felix bursts in and informs Max that he has just received word that Repli-Jonas has escaped from the facility where he was being studied and no one knows where he is. Max is not concerned, however, telling Felix that he highly doubts that Repli-Jonas will get anywhere because he is a full-grown idiot with no skills. Just then, the movie suddenly cuts to a scene of Repli-Jonas as the new President of the United States, and his first speech just consists of him saying “penis.”