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Framed cop Danny Bolan realizes that crime boss Anton Vargas (Vinnie Jones) set him up to be sent to prison so Anton could kill via a cage match with his best fighter Axl. Danny agrees to fight to buy time but makes IA agent Gwen look into Vargas files for proof of money laundering.

In Danny’s second match, his cellmate and trainer Irving attempts to make his escape, but corrupt guard Kirkman notices he is gone and sets off the alarm. Irving is killed in his attempt.

Danny fights Axl at the same time police come to the prison to save him and a captured Gwen. In the middle of the fight, the prisoners turn on the guards and the fights themselves. Kirkman is beaten to death. As Axl and Anton try to flee, Danny confronts them. Danny fights Axl and wins and Anton is beaten to death by the black gangs for cutting them out of profits. Axl pulls a knife but the arriving cops kill him.

Danny goes to Irving’s gym and finds the money he planned to give to his daughter and grandaugther. He gives the money to Irving’s daughter annoynously before heading out with Gwen (who he apparently is involved with now) for a vacation somewhere warm.

Thanks Spectre