
Submitted by Spectre

After experiencing mushrooms on her eighteenth birthday, Elliot (Maisy Stella) is shocked to find herself standing next to Adult Elliot (Aubrey Plaza) herself at age thirty nine. Adult Elliot tries to give Elliot advice about spending more time with her family before she leaves college. Pressed for something to make her life better, Adult Elliott tells her to “Avoid Chad.”

In the coming weeks, Elliot finds herself getting close to Chad (Percy Hynes White) , a seasonal worker at her father’s farm despite her older self’s warning. Elliot also grapples with leaving her family and that her father has decided to sell the farm after getting a great offer, realizing she will not have a home to return to.

Despite the warnings of Adult Elliott, Elliott falls for Chad and they have sex. Confronted by an angry Adult Elliott, Elliott finally asks what Chad did that was so awful. Adult Elliott reveals that Chad didn’t do anything wrong except die (though not telling her when or how). Adult Elliott had told her to avoid him to avoid the heartbreak that has obviously affected her life for years.

However, Elliott bravely accepts the truth and says she will love him anyway, for as long as she can. Chad returns to give back a shirt and is revealed that somehow Adult Elliott has traveled back in time and is not a hallucination in this occurrence. Adult Elliott gets a chance to hug Chad one last time and leaves.

Adult Elliott leaves Elliott one last voicemail telling her loving Chad is a gift and she should soak in every moment they have together. She tells her to be happy, and promises she will try to be happy too. The film ends with Elliott, on the advice of her older self, taking one last ride with her boat on the lake.

01 hours 28 minutes