
Submitted by Steve

Original series stars Butch Patrick (Eddie) and Pat Priest (Marilyn) have cameos in this movie.

Herman is tricked into signing over the castle to Lester and Zoya. They turn it into a casino and the Munsters are evicted. They go to Hollywood and buy a run-down house in a neighborhood that appears to be just like Transylvania, not knowing it was throwing a Halloween party. The next day, they find out the truth and think they were tricked. Lester then shows up with a check for their share of the casino earnings, and they are now rich and decide to stay.

Set in Transylvania prior to the events of the TV series, mad scientist Dr. Wolfgang and his hunchbacked assistant Floop rob body parts from local cemeteries and mortuaries to build his latest experiment. He uses electricity to bring it to life, and Floop decides to name it Herman Munster (Jeff Daniel Phillips). Dr. Wolfgang shows off his creation on a local TV program, but is disgusted when Herman begins to perform a stand-up comedy routine (Floop stole the brain of a comic). Watching the program is Count Grusella (Daniel Roebuck) and his daughter Lily (Sheri Moon Zombie). The Count (Gramps on the TV series) finds Herman to be a bumbling brute, but Lily immediately falls in love with him. A few nights later, Lily goes to see Herman perform with his band. Herman sees Lily and he immediately falls in love with her. They decide to have a dinner date at The Count’s castle. He still doesn’t like Herman, especially since he’s now dating his daughter, and he tries to use magic to chase off Herman, but it doesn’t work and Herman and Lily are even more in love with each other. Meanwhile, The Count’s ex-wife Zoya Krupp (Catherine Schell) is trying to get revenge on him for the break-up. She entrances Lily’s brother Lester and has him try to get The Count to sign over the castle to her so she can turn it into a casino. Lester goes to The Count, but he turns down the offer.

Herman and Lily take a trip together to Devil’s Island, and they get engaged. The wedding is just days later, and it’s there that Herman meets Lester. Lester tricks Herman by telling him that he is the man of the house now, and he is the one to make the decision about selling the castle. Without reading the contract, Herman signs over the castle. Herman and Lily get married, and Dr. Wolfgang tells The Count that Herman is now officially his problem. Herman and Lily have their honeymoon in Paris. While there, they discover a reptilian creature terrorizing the sewers. Herman catches it, and they decide to take it back to Transylvania and name it Spot. At the same time, Zoya evicts The Count from the castle, and he flies (as a bat) to Paris to confront Herman. Lily says that they’ll contact their lawyer once they return to fight it. Once they do, they find out from their lawyer that they have no case and the castle is now Zoya’s. While deciding what to do next, Herman is watching a TV show and decides that they will move to Hollywood so he can become a star.

Herman, Lily, The Count, and Spot are all now in Hollywood, where they meet a realtor (Cassandra “Elvira” Peterson) who takes them to a neighborhood named Mockingbird Estates. She tries to show them a nice house, but the Munsters all have their eye on a run-down and possibly haunted house with the address 1313 Mockingbird Lane and immediately buy it. They move in right away, but they are now broke since they used up all of their money buying the house. Since it’s Halloween, the entire neighborhood is dressed up for a block party. The Munsters join in, thinking the neighborhood is just like Transylvania and their new neighbors are just like them, and the neighbors all think Herman and Lily are in costume. They even win first prize in the costume party. While there, Herman meets the three men who run the local funeral home and is quickly hired by them. The next day, Herman leaves the house to go to work and sees the neighborhood and his neighbors how they are normally, and he is horrified. He gets Lily and The Count, and they are also horrified. Just as they are starting to think that they got tricked by the realtor, Lester shows up. They are not happy to see him, but he apologizes for what Zoya made him do. He then tells them that the contract states that the Munsters get a share of what the casino earns, and he gives them a check. We don’t see how much it’s for, but they quickly realize that they are now rich and decide to stay at 1313. The movie ends with a recreation of the opening credits from the TV series.

01 hours 49 minutes